In this update I added three new animation. The first animation is blue star which rotate left to right on the main platform and also spins in circles. If you press the up arrow key on your keyboard it will make it change to a bright yellow material making look like a star. For the second feature it is Rock Jar, but it has floating rocks instead. It is jar which has a door on top which is open but once the user presses the Q key, it closes. If you want to open it back up, you can press the Q key and it will open. There is a delay. Last feature is a Camera, which I created manually in which the head rotates left to right and for some keys it moves it head up and down or side to side. To move the head up and down you need to press the number 2. To move it side to side you need to press the number 3. But to bring back to it original rotation you can press 1. Hopefully you guy's have fun with these mini add-ons.

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